0-2 years old
$295 per week
2-3 years old
$279 per week
3-4 years old
$269 per week
4-5 years old (private 4k program)
$262 per week
4K Wrap Around Care
$275 per week
School Age
$100 per week for before AND after
school care
$200 for full week of no school
ex. Christmas Vacation, Spring Break
Full day off of school will be an additional
$35 a day
Half day off of school will be an
additional $25 a day
Current Rates
2024 Handbook
Security Deposit: Parents are required to pay a security deposit equal to one-week of each child’s care fee prior to child’s start date, due the day that the financial agreement is signed. The security deposit will be credited toward balances owed when your child leaves the center with any extra mailed to you within 14 days.
$50 Non refundable Enrollment Fee
Current Fees
Extra Perks
This only applies to full-time families (5 days a week)
Seven personal day coupons to use between January 1 - December 31
20% off the oldest child
10% off for Bethlehem Lutheran Church Members